Structural Appraisals
Owners of structures need to have detailed knowledge of their condition to ensure their safety and also to understand the capability to carry additional loading to maximise their potential. PZ&W provides a comprehensive professional appraisals service for masts, towers and other structures giving the structure owner a detailed condition report prepared by an experienced team controlled by a qualified engineer.
PZ&W’s engineers are experienced climbers who regularly undertake detailed inspections of structures up to 100m in the UK and around the world for both government and commercial clients. Fully trained and equipped personnel carry out condition inspections through the full height of the structure assessing the physical state of antenna support steelwork, ancillary equipment, access systems, earthing continuity and such foundations as can be readily inspected from the surface. Where more detailed inspection of foundations are required, we can undertake the excavation of trial pits where it is practical to do so.
Subsequent analysis of the structure with its direct and wind loading can be carried out giving the owner a complete picture of the condition of the structure, and its capacity. Where necessary, recommendations for remedial works can be made and PZ&W can design, manage and undertake such works through to completion.

PZ&W Ltd, Arena Offices, Grovenor House, Basing View, Basingstoke,
RG21 4HG, United Kingdom